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唯美励志的英文文案 篇1

1、Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.


3、The direction against the wind is more suitable for flying.

4、Byron: I am never away from you.Even now, I shall not leave you.In another land, I shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure.

5、person has at least one dream, there is areason to be strong.


7、If you have a dream, don't be afraid of pain.If you want to win, don't stop!

8、Softhearted and embarrassed, really will kill myself.

9、Learn to walk before you run循序渐进

10、It is alright for you to feel wronged or have a good cry,but you should not let others see your weakness.你可以委屈,可以痛哭,但不要让所有人都看到你的脆弱。


12、It's better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all.

13、Strike while the iron is hot.

14、Life is pain, it is thought and philosophy to make it.

15、the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.

16、They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.




唯美励志的英文文案 篇2


2、However the world fails you, never forgetyour mercy and kindness that lies within.


4、Looked up to see their own that a piece of the sky, show happiness to other people.

5、You must jump off the cliff and give birth to the wings in the air.


7、Fact speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩

8、All the seconds back are waiting for a long


10、Try when it's time to try, never give up.

11、Dont ever let your enemies see you fall, all they want is to see you mess up, don’t give them the pleasure.Be strong, prove them wrong.


13、am not afraid of storms, for I amlearning how to sail my ship.

14、What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.

15、Do not pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger men.


17、It's tough when someone special starts to ignore you, it's even tougher to pretend that you don't mind.

18、The better to have loved and lost; Than never to have loved at all.

19、The world can do it easily and effortlessly.Poverty and aging are the only things that need to be done.

20、Line Qianshan, involving Wanshui, Acacia road tears two

21、want it more that anything.必须之物最重要。

22、It can be read as a book or seen as a

23、Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.—Maria Robinson

24、Give so much time to improving yourselfthat you won't have time to criticize others.

唯美励志的英文文案 篇3


2、Times change, and we change with them.by Anonymous.

3、I can make it through the rain.I can stand up once again on my own.我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。(玛丽亚凯莉)

4、Beauty is all around, if you just open your heart to see.只要你给自己机会,你会发现你的世界可以很美丽。

5、To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.

6、A life without a friend is a life without sun人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有阳光

7、Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

8、Courtesy costs nothing礼多人不怪。


10、No matter how bad things get,something good is out there,just over the horizon.不管事情变得多坏,在不远的地方,相信总会有一些美好即将来临。

11、Let me make the world a better place by shining my light today.今天我要用我自己的力量来让世界变得更好。


13、The greatest things are done by the aid of small ones.


15、once a crazy thought, now desperate



18、不要轻易放弃旧朋友。因你不能找别人代替他。友情就像酒,越旧越好 Never abandon an old friend.You will never find one who can take his place.Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.


20、Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

21、Learn to put down, in order to go faster and farther.

唯美励志的英文文案 篇4

1、May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given!愿我努力精进,勤奋不懈;愿我有耐心能容忍并宽恕别人的过错,愿我能信守自己立下的诺言。

2、Feel that they do and do not, in fact, just at the moment.


4、The person’s value, is decided at the moment of luring.

5、Nothing in the world will stop me from loving you.

6、Every time I cry, I wake up.

7、Advise you to stand up to bitter ambition, in the middle of the laurel from help Shu.


9、Hard work is the attitude of life.

10、Expectation is the root of all heartache.期待是所有心痛的根源。


12、Time and tide wait no man。



15、If you are smart, don't be lazy.

16、Everything is always more beautiful reflected in your eyes.

17、The rough road often leads to the top.

18、For the best results, let's go crazy for the end.

19、There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around the clock, so you may lose sight of those seen, and forget those remembered.There is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten.Nevertheless, doesn’t the unseen exist for sure? Will the remembered remain forever?生命中,不断地有人进入或离开。于是,看见的,看不见了;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?

20、It's better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all.奋战过失败,胜过不战而败。

21、The husband does not make the children farewell, Linqi tears stained clothes towel.

22、I can make it through the rain.I can stand up once again on my own.

23、However long the night, the dawn willbreak.

24、You have to believe in yourself.That’s the secret of success.



27、丈夫志气薄,儿女安得知。The husband's ambition is weak, Ann knows.

